Media Ministry

Mission Statement:

“And HE said to them, go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15 (NKJV)

To spread the Word of Jesus Christ through, audio and video technology. The Media Ministry also supports other ministries which require the use of any sound and/or video equipment.

Vision Statement:

To be an outreach ministry of The Living Well Church through audio-visual technology.

Ministry Description:

The Media Ministry delivers the Word through audio-visual media and provides direction for all equipment used during all worship services or other scheduled church functions. Media is responsible for microphones, the sound board used for adjusting sound quality, audio and video recording, editing, and publication of worship and other church events, TV and DVD use for classes, and portable equipment such as projectors and sound systems. We develop the electronic, print, and broadcast ministries and establish a standard of excellence in these areas.


Our goal is to use all aspects of the media ministry to reach up to God, into the church, and out to the world. We equip other ministries of the church to expand the electronic ministry as a worship and outreach tool, and we assist the church body visually and audibly in turning spiritual seekers into fully developed ministers of Christ. As such, we are an integral part of the worshiping body of ministering believers committed to:

  1. Exalting the Lord, Jesus Christ
  2. Evangelizing the Lost,
  3. Educating Learners,
  4. Equipping Leaders,
  5. Extending Christ’s Love to the People all over the World.

Technology Ministry

  1. Website:
  • Create, promote and maintain the church website as a primary communication tool
  • Perform weekly and periodic updates
  • Manage the web design
  • Promote the use of as a major communication tool for this church
  • Expand the use of the church website as the face of Trenton Crossing to our members, our community, and the world by ensuring updated content is always present.
  1. IT Solutions:
  • Serve as the primary technology resource for the Church
  • Ensure all hardware and software used on the Living Well Church Campus is maintained and fully functional.
  • Ensure good stewardship of the church’s resources by managing cost through strategic planning of technology purchases
  • Manage technical network contractor resources on behalf of the Church
  • Support the use of the wireless network
  1. Social Media:
  • Develop and implement overall strategies and techniques for each social network account
  • Schedule and post weekly updates in line with those strategies

Strategy for growth:

  1. Prayer
  2. Reaching out
  3. Consistent meetings

How Do I Get Involved?

Do you have a natural gift for electronics, sound or video equipment? Or maybe you just have a strong desire to learn, along with a passion to serve the body of Christ?

There are many opportunities for you to serve in the Media ministry. We are here to help you learn and have fun in the process!

We are looking for those who desire to continue to learn, who are team players, and most of all are committed to do their ministry. It does not mean you have to start out knowing anything about A/V, just have a learning attitude and a willingness to be lead. Volunteers will be trained for any specific technological skill or knowledge required for the ministry responsibilities, so the only prerequisite to volunteering is a willingness to learn and comfort in handling and using technological devices and equipment. Needed roles include:

  • Video Camera Operators – The camera operators work behind the camera during services and acts as the eyes of the online audience.
  • Audio Engineer – You will control the volume levels for all mics and monitors used on the stage mixed in the media booth.
  • Web Team – You can join the web team as a contributor to content by using your writing, editing or photography skills.
  • Photographer – If you have a digital camera, are familiar with sharing files online and are interested in taking pictures of people, we need you! We need pictures of church life, services and events taken and edited on a regular basis.



Thanks for looking into The Living Well Church and our Multi-Media Ministry, if you want to learn more about this ministry, contact Minister Eric Angwenyi, Joshua Tama or David Kuria at