First Impression Ministry

Vision Statement: 
TLWC vision of the (First Impression) Ushering  Ministry is serving others wholeheartedly and without partiality. The ministry stands on the verse:

Colossians 3:23 – 24  “Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as unto the LORD, and not unto men; knowing that of the LORD, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the LORD Christ

Our mission is to serve as doorkeepers in the House of the LORD united in one love, one body striving to do The LORD’S work, and collectively work as a team, creating a warm welcoming environment for each member and visitor.

Our role
The ushers (first impression team) play a very important role in our church: they are usually the first representative of the congregation, whom visitors and church members encounter when they walk into the church. Understanding this critical fact, our team therefore strives to welcome each member and visitor with kindness, friendliness, and a caring offer of assistance.

Our main role is to welcome people to the House of the LORD, striving to provide them with the information and material they need to have a sacred, edifying and enjoyable service experience in the House of the LORD.

Where you can locate out First Impression Team
Our ushers mainly stand at the doors or exits of the church, by the pews, or close to the altar, ready for service. All our ushers have badges and are easily identifiable and ready to assist in the service.

Areas of responsibility for the  ushers

  • Assist in the seating members and visitors
  • Provide care for the needs of the pastor during the service
  • Attend to the needs of the visiting speaker or guests of honor
  • Watch for the safety of the congregation and acting as the line of first response to medical emergencies
  • Collect and the offering
  • Attend to alter ministry or response ministry as people respond to the sermon’s invitation

Members of the First Impression Team

  1. Minister Leonard Kariuki (Team Leader)
  2. Anastasia Kimanthi (Assistant Team Lead)
  3. Daniel Kioko
  4. Rachel Chomba
  5. Sheila Okatchy
  6. Gachoki Mbuthia
  7. John Ogada
  8. Eric Muema