Intercessory Ministry


“Men always ought to pray and not to give up” (Luke 18:10)


Our mission is to put prayer in the fore front of everything we do. The LWC was birthed through prayer, and it is our prayer and hope that we will maintain the spirit of prayer. We intend to achieve this through God’s grace and to provide many opportunities for members to engage in prayer. Our prayer therefore is that God will grant each one of us the grace for prayer, supplication, and intercession that we may learn to tarry in the presence of God. Zechariah 12:10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication”

LWC Intercessory Program and Leadership Structure

LWC Prayer Programs

Monday -Friday 0500 AM – 0530 AM

  • Daily Morning prayers: Please Join us; Details for log in are: Conference call # 667-770-1075 Access Code number 252612# For back up call 206-451-6109

Fridays 7PM-8PM

  • In person prayers at the church sanctuary

1st or 2nd Friday of the Month from 7PM -1200 Midnight

  • Mini-kesha (semi- night Vigils)

Sundays 0930 AM- 1010 AM

  • Pre-service prayers

Team Leads

  1. Minister Elly Lango
  2. Minister Leonard Kanyi
  3. Sister Mary Kioko
  4. Brother Dan Kioko
  5. Sister Caro Ochuka